is seeking to develop and market a wide array of genealogical related crowd sourced services. We will provide access to genealogy experts across the globe that are experts in family research. Having immediate access to these experienced experts will support you in your genealogy goals. Right now, right here, through

Research Latino (RL) hopes to accomplish this mission through collaborations with real-time on line genealogists, historians, archivists, surname experts, among other reliable sources that will be key collaborators in providing end-users with the information they desire.

Research Latino is a Startup company located in Silicon Valley founded by Norma Flores, who has been an avid genealogist for 40 years and Coauthor  of “A Beginner’s Guide to Hispanic Genealogy”. The main goal for the site is to create the largest online subscription based Hispanic genealogy network service. Subscribers will be able to invite family and friends to help build their family trees.

Please, contact me at your earliest convenience if you should have any questions regarding our Hispanic Genealogy start up via e-mail at norma@researchlatino. com